Female Intimacy And Sexuality

Understanding female intimacy and sexuality helps women understand their inner landscape and desires better. This is critical to women’s wellness. The concept of intimacy and sexuality is vague to many and is often disregarded because it is not seen as essential. Let me explain why it is important to know what female intimacy and sexuality is and how understanding them better is vital to your well-being as a woman. What is intimacy? Intimacy is being physically close. Although this is true, it is not exclusively limited to this definition, but may also include emotional closeness. Intimacy is also not just closeness that occurs during sexual intercourse. There are many ways one may experience intimacy. One may be intimate with or experience intimacy with different people; it is not just between lovers, spouses, or significant others. You can be intimate with your kids, family members, friends, or anyone with whom you are vulnerable. This is a salient characteristic of being intimate, v...